It is a strange thing that I am writing this early on a Saturday morning. It is now, not even 6.30am. But come to think of it, I had been waking up around 5am in the past to do my devotion; this shouldn’t be too strange a thing. Anyway, it is still a strange thing, sitting at my kitchen table, entering today’s thought on Psalm 57. I actually feel good to be in the Presence of God at my breakfast table, with a cup of coffee. But the truth is that, I am still a bit sleepy.
And during my meditation of this psalm, verse 8 jumps at me: Awake, my soul! It is a call to be awake from my sleepiness; it is a call for me to leave my lethargy behind; it is a call to re-engage my joy; it is a call to my soul; it is a call to look forward as the dawn approaches; it is a call to a new beginning; and it is a call from God.
This psalmist is very much likely to be King David. He was fleeing from the pursued of Saul and he was probably hiding in some cave as he composed this psalm. The first half of the psalm is about David’s lamentation of his situation (v1-5) and the second half is some kind of thanksgiving and praise to God (v7-11). This leaves verse 6 as the turning point. In Hebrew poetry, the middle or center idea is usually the key idea or the main theme, as most Hebrew literatures are arranged in chiastic manner or concentrically. In this psalm, there is only one “but”, and it is found in verse 6, and there is an obvious change of mood within David. Something strange had happened within David and caused him to see things differently.
I don’t know what exactly the thing is, but I believe it is David’s steadfast heart before God (v7). His steadfastness helps him to want to relook at God and makes him rethink of his attitude. And the awakening in verse 8 is acceleration point whereby David took off and flew with songs of praises and thanksgivings.
I have been down for quite awhile and even though I have recovered, I am still in very slow mood. Maybe I am just being careful, not to overwork and burnout prematurely, but I know I am merely functioning on autopilot mood. Things happened recently makes me rethink my relationship with God, or rather how much God has really loved me.
Yes, I had fractured my right wrist in May 08, but I was completely recovered within 2 months and it amazed the doctor and physiotherapist. I need rest and slower pace in ministry, and the church is very kind to allow me to work part-time for past half a year, so that I have time to adjust myself back into ministry and at the same time take care of my father and new born Alethea. I need opportunity to practice preaching, and I am giving the opportunity to preach in the Chinese ministry, church service and even a youth camp. And of course I passed my driving with minimal demerit points and minimal practices. What else more can I ask for? God is so good to me.
And recently, my wife (Esther) and I were praying about having my own transport. I am thinking of repossessing a motorbike. But God seems to have other arrangement which is beyond what I imagine or ask for. I think I better wake up my idea.
Awake! My Soul!
Are you also feeling a bit monotonous in your spiritual walk? Are you also longing for an awakening with your soul? Don’t bother to go after revivalist or popular and inspiring speaker, go to God, ask Him to reveal to the goodness and loving kindness He has been doing in your life. Give thanks and look forward to the new possibility and new hope He has for you. All you need is to be awake! Your soul!
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