Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The People Faith… (Hebrews 11:29-30) 250809

Singapore just celebrated its National Day not too long ago. The theme of this year celebration was surrounding the Pledge:

We, the citizen of Singapore,
Pledge ourselves as one united people
Regardless of race, language, or religion,
To build a democratic society,
Based on justice and equality,
So as to achieve happiness, prosperity, and progress of our Nation.

I am not being patriotic here. As I read Hebrews 11:29 and 30, I imagine a nation being born as the people of Israel passed through the Red Sea on dry land (v29) and walked round the walls of Jericho to see it fell (v30). This is the power of the people in faith, and I call it: the people faith.

Walking through the Red Sea on dry land and the fall of the walls of Jericho were the two most magnificent miracles in the history of mankind. No matter how researchers and scientists try to explain and rationalize the possibility that the Red Sea could be opened and walked across if all the factors were in placed; or how the marching of the people of Israel could have produced some sort of frequency when coupled with the shout at the end of the march caused the walls of Jericho to fall. These are merely speculation and possibilities. But what had happened the eyes of the people of Israel were the miracles of the Lord!

What made these two miraculous events so magnificent was the involvement of the mass, the entire nation of the people of Israel. I don’t know how to make sense out of these, but I know that there is power when the people of God have a common faith. It is not about the faith of the leader. Moses could have opened the Red Sea, but if no one dared to step into the dry ground, they would be destroyed by the Egyptians. Joshua would not be able to take the city of Jericho even if the walls fall down after he marched around it according to the instruction of the Lord. It took the people of Israel to do it together, so that they could experience the power of the miracle.

It is easy to persuade a few brave and committed members to follow me to do some great for the Lord by faith, but it will be difficult or almost impossible to rally the entire church to do the same. But if we do it together, the effect of it will be miraculous.

Recently, our church has this 20K blessing campaign. It is simply going out to bless the people around us. We should do so not because it is a campaign; but as an outward expression of the blessings of God in our lives. I know that the number is growing very slowly, it is because not all the members are convicted and doing it together.

Can you imagine if our church blesses 20K people? And if only 1% of these 20K start to come to church to seek God, that will be 200 people, 50% growth for Covenant in half a year! This is significant and magnificent. Do you have faith that our church can grow in extent? I believe we can and have faith it can. But it is not enough, unless we do it together in faith

We, the members of Covenant Presbyterian Church,
Pledge ourselves as one united body inChrist,
Regardless of race, language or ministry,
To build a Church without walls,
Based on the Holy Spirit and His Word,
So as to bring about blessing, Good News and salvation to the people of our community.


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