Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 43: Exhausted… (Luke 22:45-46) 08 Apr 09

Jesus is exhausted from sorrow (v45), but His disciples are exhausted for trying to stay awake. They are exhausted for having traveled with Jesus for such a long time and such a long distance. The journey to the Cross is a long 40 over days; I am also exhausted following through it. Are you also exhausted too?

Some of us are exhausted because of the weight of the message of the Cross; some of us are exhausted because of the things Christ has revealed to you; and some of us are exhausted because we simply need to rest. We can be exhausted for many different reasons. The question we have to ask ourselves is: what are we exactly exhausted from?

For me, it is the weight of the message of the Cross. The more I get closer to the Cross, the heavier my heart becomes. I can almost literally feel it coming on me. I feel the grace and love of the Cross coming on me, and there is no way to escape from them. I know this journey is coming to an end in a few days time, but it is only the beginning of another new journey. This time, I will not be looking forward to the Cross, but carrying my cross to follow Him. This time, the cross will no longer be burdensome, but it will be light and delight. This time, I will not be exhausted because I have learned to rest when I need to, so that I can allow the message of the Cross to recharge and refresh me.

Are you still exhausted? Go to the Cross, and go beyond the Cross. The new journey is about to begin.


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