Friday, April 3, 2009

Sure and Stedfast… (Hebrews 6:13-20) 030409

I do not spell Stedfast incorrectly; this is simply some strange old English spelling, which the Boys’ Brigade uses in its motto: Sure and Stedfast. The author of Hebrews paints a picture of an anchor which is widely used in the ancient writing to bring out the idea of sureness and steadiness. And this is how George H. Guthrie puts it:

The word “anchor” (ankyra), used three times in Acts 27 of a literal anchor, here represents the idea of stability. Such a metaphorical use of this nautical image occurs broadly in ancient literature; authors such as Plato, Plutarch, and Lucian write of various institutions or faculties that give life steadiness.

But we also have to bear in mind that “while the metaphor of the anchor is widely used in antiquity, it occurs only here in the NT” (Leon Morris).

I have been asked many times, why the Boys’ Brigade uses an anchor to be its emblem? I have no idea. Is the founder of Boys’ Brigade a navy officer? But I think it have to do with Hebrews chapter 6, verse 19. I believe that as Boys’ Brigade seeks to instill good Christian values to the boys, it also wants to assure them that as Christ being our Captain of life, we can be very sure and stedfast in the hope of His promises to our soul. These are the two unchangeable things mentioned in verse 18: promise and oath.

I am reminded of my calling recently, and the promise God has given to me. I have almost given it up as I am currently led to this ministry. But God has never forgotten the passion and compassion He has placed within me when He first called me. He is now merely taking me through another route to have me better equip and to be more intimate with Him. I really don’t know how long will it takes for God to bring about the promise He has for me to come to pass, but surely it will as God is sure and stedfast of His promise and His word.

Have you lost hope of what God has laid upon your heart in the past? Do you still remember the calling or the promise God has made with you? What is the passion and compassion that God has put with you? Have you forgotten about them? Don’t lose hope, for the promise of God is like an anchor, sure and stedfast.

I am very encouraged by the example of Abraham, he waited for many years before he had his son Isaac, but he still clung on to the promise of God that he will surely be multiplied. I can imagine how hopeless he can feel when he had only Isaac when he was in his old age and was even ask to sacrifice him on Moriah (Gen 22). But he obeyed and still believed in the promise of God. And the author of Hebrews says that he, having patiently waited, he obtained the promise (v15).

I think the key is patient. As we are living in such a high speed society, we have lost the art of waiting patiently. We will complain and grumble if the checkout counter is too slow and the counter lady is chatting with the customer. But as long as you patiently wait, your turn will come to checkout your items, the supermarket will not let you leave without paying them!

If you have any promise yet to be fulfilled, wait patiently, He is sure and stedfast to fulfill what He has promised. This is the hope.

By the way, God has promised me that the BBGB ministry will be able to raise more than $15000 this year. I am now patiently waiting for you to donate.

Sure and Stedfast.


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