Saturday, February 7, 2009

Come and see and hear… (Psalm 66) 070902

This psalm is definitely a joyful one (v1), it speaks of praises (v2; 4; 8), it also speaks of answered prayer (v19). But there are two stanzas which sum up the theme of this psalm; verses 5-7 and verses 16-20. They begin with similar idea but with distinct features of the psalmist understanding of God’s dealing with His people.

Verse 5 begins with “Come and see the works of God”, and in verse 7 it reminds the readers that “His (God’s) eyes keep watch on the nations”. It has some sort of idea-play here; as we see, God watches.

Verse 16 also begins with “Come and hear, all who fear God”, and verse 18 comments that “The Lord will not hear” if I regard wickedness in my heart; and verse 19 also highlights that “certainly God has heard… the voice of my prayer”. This is again another idea-play; we invite others to hear how God will hear or not hear our prayers.

But both have an invitation to come. And I think this has to come before both seeing and hearing. Unless we come before God, unless we come with an open heart, and unless we come to the throne of God; we will not see or hear anything. This psalmist must have gone through great distress or threat in his life, but because he comes before God to pour out his needs and troubles and maybe even complaints; he is able to see God’s awesome works (v2) and hear God’s comforting words. And because he comes to God, he knows that God is watching over him (v7) and God is actively listening to his prayers (v18-19). This allows the psalmist to understand and know God more and better.

We are all in one way or another way in difficult situations whereby we need divine intervention. Before we can see how God is going to work through our life or situation, we have to come to Him; and before we can hear God’s answers to our prayers, we also have to come before Him. Unless we come into the Presence of God, unless we come before the gracious throne of God, and unless we come with a hungry heart and a thirsty soul; we cannot see and hear God.

We can keep making things happen and saying our prayers louder; but we cannot see and hear God. It is not because God is not doing His work in our life, or not hearing our prayers; but it is us whom cannot see and hear; because we have not come near to Him.

It is not easy to come to God. We all have different ways to approach God, and we must all find our unique way to do so. I love to come to God in the morning and write down my thoughts as I come near to God through His words. Though I am struggling to wake up at 5.30am, I really enjoy the moments I am in God’s Presence. You do not need to wake up at 5.30 am, if you are not a morning person. If you are those who wakes up at 5.30am and feel very grouchy and cranky; so much so that no one wants to be with you; I think God also don’t want you to come near Him at that hour. You got the point?

Where are you today? Have you come before God already? If not, come and see and hear.


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