This psalm paints a picture of a very dry dessert. This reminds me of Psalm 42, where the deer pants for the water (Ps 42:1), it is a picture of a thirsty deer. And recently, I heard a sermon on John 7:38-39, whereby Jesus was inviting those who are thirsty to go to Him and drink from Him and drink of Him (Jn 7:38). All these imageries bring me to a conclusion: we are all thirsty people, because we are living in a spiritual dessert.
I am not saying that we are all spiritually dry, or died; but the earth which we are living on, is spiritually dry, hostile to the Gospel, and full of temptation. We are all thirsty people; we need to be constantly refilled by the refreshing water of God, which flows only from Jesus Himself. If we try to depend on this world, or other things beside Jesus, we only find dryness, dessert, and no water.
I need spiritual refreshment regularly. I understand what it meant to be spiritual thirsty. I have experienced going through the spiritual dessert or wilderness. It is called wilderness, not only because it does not have water, it also have a lot of other ‘wild’ things to distract, tempt and endanger us. When we are thirsty, we are easily tempted to give in to other kinds of ‘water’, and in the wilderness, the Enemy provides great variety of choices of water which will poison our soul. This ‘poison water’ comes in the form of entertainment, achievement, accumulation of wealth and degrees, lust, greed, security and the list goes on.
Are you feeling thirsty today? You should. Because we are in a dry and weary land, where there is no water (v1). Are you feeling dry because you don’t seem to have your prayer answered? Are you feeling weary because you have been serving so hard and no one seem to be noticing you or giving you any credit? Are you fed up of having to wake up early to prepare your family to work and school, and then being all alone after that? Are you afraid of going to work because you may be called in by your boss and told to leave due to your company downsizing? Are you thirsty?
But there is a solution, there is a source of refreshing water which we can draw from, that is Christ. His lovingkindness is better than life (v3), and our soul will be satisfied by Him (v5).
Are you drinking from God? You should. Because He is the living water (Jn 7:39), in Him we can be refreshed and renewed. Have you drink of Him today?
You and I are in a world where there is no water, but we can have the living water in us. Not only we can have the living water in us, we can keep tapping and drinking from it, so that our soul can be refreshed.
May you find refreshment today from the Lord.
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