Wednesday, February 18, 2009

God spoke… (Hebrews 1:1-2) 180209

I will take a break from Psalms, and will venture into New Testament book, Hebrews. I am not at all an expert or neither have I attended any course on Hebrews in my Seminary. But I reckon that Hebrews is a very interesting and rich theologically and spiritually book. My attempt to understand and draw application from my devotion on Hebrews is a novice one. I will be going very slow and in small steps.

I take a deep breath and read Hebrews 1:1-2, I stop there. I can’t help, but notice the richness of these 2 verses:

God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.

The spoken word of God is the emphasis here. Hebrews is like a sermon rather than a letter or epistle. No one is sure who is the author of this book; some says Paul because of the overall theme of grace and some says Peter because this book is directed to Jewish audience. But whoever is the author, God is speaking.

Commentator George H. Guthrie highlighted to us that the author of Hebrews begins by presenting divine revelation in parallel contrasts between the “older” communication during the time of the prophets and the “newer” communication through the Son. He contrasts four areas: the era of the revelation (long ago vs in these last days), the recipients (to the fathers vs to us), the agents (in the prophets vs in His Son), and the ways in which the revelation was manifested (in many portions and in many ways vs Jesus Christ, His Son, the only way).

I am touched by the truth that God is so desired to speak to His people, to reveal His glory to His children, and to communicate His plan for us. God is always speaking. God is always revealing. God is always communicating. The question is, am I listening.

These 2 years, I am learning to listen to God. I am still learning. God is very creative in the ways He speaks. Hebrews tells us that He speaks through His prophets and also His Son. He also speaks through His living words, and the Holy Spirit. Doing devotion is a good spiritual discipline; but such discipline defeats its purpose if we only stop at reading and praying, but not expecting God to speak into our life. Fasting is also good spiritual discipline; but if we stop at fasting and praying, and fail to realize that fasting is to create the space and hunger to hear God to speak into our life, we are merely being religious.

I am not against doing devotion and fasting; I do devotion and I fast. But I am more interested, or rather I should say I am hungry to hear God speaks into my life. What do I mean when I say God speaks into my life? I mean that God’s word piercing through my soul and my spirit, causing a transformation and deep repentance.

Today, God has spoken; did you hear Him? You may be struggling with some sins in your life, He is speaking to you now, listen up. You may be going through a tough working week, and it’s only at the middle of the week, He is speaking a word of comfort to strengthen you, listen up. You may be feeling down and depress because to the stress of studies and perhaps relationship, God is speaking His peace and love to you, listen up.

Listen up, God spoke.


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