Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 14: Spiritual De-formation… (Luke 9:46) 100309

I have learnt a term called textual deconstruction in Bible College. What some scholars will do is to try to tear the entire text (usually the Gospels) apart and examine its historicity and authenticity. And then piece them all back together with some theories in mind.

Today, as I look at spiritual formation; I realize that there is a need to first to do a spiritual de-formation. I come into this season of Lent with many presuppositions and past experiences. I have to learn to leave all these things behind and seek to listen to what God have to speak to me today.

I also have to de-form my ‘self’, so that Christ can be formed in me. I have to de-form my ego, so that the Cross can be formed within me. I have to de-form my mind and my thinking, so that the Spirit can form His thoughts and words in my life.

Is there anything that you have to de-form, so that God can reform? Maybe you have to de-form the way you serve; being busy may not what God wants. Maybe you have to de-form the amount of time you spend to make more money; store up your treasure in heaven. Maybe you have to de-form your mentality of church; being like other churches may not be fulfilling God’s purpose.

Be humble to listen to God. There is no ‘I’ in humble, but it is in the middle of pride. It is really not about me. It is about God and His word for the life He wants me to live for Him. I cannot live such live unless I listen to Him. And most often, I will not ask God how He wants me to live, because I know that I will get the answer I do not want. I dare not to ask, but I have to ask. Even I dare to ask, I must dare to live it out.

It’s the season of Lent; it’s a season of spiritual de-formation and reformation.


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