Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 9: Don’t be too presumptuous… (Luke 9:33-34) 05 Mar 09

Have you ever over spiritualize what is happening in your life? Or have you been ignoring the reality of work of the Holy Spirit in your life? Both happened because we are too presumptuous. We all approach a situation or issue with a presupposition, or presumption. It simply means that we have some preconceived ideas which govern the way we see things and understand them. And to put it simple: presumption is pre – assumption. We make assumption base on our upbringing and past experience.

It is the same when we approach God. Peter saw Jesus transfigured, and his presumption led him to say to wrong thing. When we encounter Jesus, our presumption will more or less lead us to response in a certain way. And as we travel on this journey to the Cross, I am sure that the Lord will meet us along the way. How will you response? Will you say the wrong thing like Peter too?

I have some burning question to ask Jesus, I have some sins need to be forgiven, and I have some request which I am too shy to ask when Jesus is not there. But when I encounter Jesus, I may just ask that burning question and burn away the strange warm feeling He is placing in my heart; I may only keep confessing my sins and miss out the amazing grace He is communicating to me; and I may fervently make my request know to Him by fasting and praying, and forgotten the hope and not recognizing His power already at work.

Maybe it is a good idea to simply put away all our presumption and presupposition, and only do nothing, but to keep quiet and wait to listen. Jesus says, “My sheep hear My voice, … and the follow Me.” (John 10:27).

Jesus wants to lead us, He will speak to us and tell us where to go; but we must first hear and listen to His voice. Don’t listen to our past experience, don’t be too presumptuous.


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