Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 18: Name… (Luke 10:17-20) 14 Mar 09

My name is Abel. In Hebrews, it means shortness, brief like a vapor, or vanity (used in Ecclesiastes). The Biblical Abel lived short life, killed by his brother Cain. That is the name I chose for myself when I was baptized, not knowing the full meaning of this name. All I want is a Christian name to start with ‘A’. But it is also my name which I confirm my calling as a pastor; Abel is probably the first shepherd or keeper of flocks (Gen. 4:2); and I know that God has placed in me a holy discontent to shepherd His people.

So much about my name; but my name is meaningless with the Name: Jesus. Jesus is a very common name among the Jewish community at His time. This is the intention of God: Jesus is as common as He can be so that we can trust that He understands our common struggles and pains. But the name of Jesus is being lifted up high with authority which can summon the power of God, is because of what Jesus has done on the Cross. It is because of His simple obedience. It is not an easy one; it is a painful and cruel one. But Jesus goes through it, step by step moving towards the Cross, because He loves those names which He has written in His hands.

I know my name is in His hand. I am secured, I am saved. Are you?

My name has no value at all if it is not written in Jesus’ hand. My name has no meaning if I do not live in the name of Jesus. My life is powerless and hopeless without Jesus’ name. We know it and we even teach it our children. When we say grace or a prayer, we end with: In Jesus’ Name, Amen! Why? Jesus never teaches such formula to His disciples, but His disciples know that whatever they do in Jesus’ name, there is power follows; but if they do it not in the name of Jesus, powerless. Even non-followers of Jesus using Jesus’ name has power.

Do you want to have power in your life? Power here does not refer to supernatural power only, but it has more to do with authority. Your authority to live a life which is pleasing to God lies in the name of Jesus. You authority to love other people like God would do so also lies in the name of Jesus. If living a life pleasing to God and loving other people is what you want, know the name of Jesus.

The name of Jesus is more than a sign off phrase for prayer. It is a marker of my identity in God. Acknowledgement of the name of Jesus is acknowledging His work on the Cross. If Jesus never goes to the Cross, I am hopeless. Jesus’ work on the Cross is the bridge for me to be the child of God, and my identity is a child of God because of Jesus’ name being established on the Cross. Therefore, my name has meaning and value. Therefore, even my name is Abel, it is for eternity.

What is your name?


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