Thursday, March 5, 2009

Heart matter… (Hebrews 3:7-11) 050309

Sometimes, I wonder how the New Testament writers understand the Old Testament Scriptures; it is just some tradition writings or boring law books? Today, I am fully convinced that the OT Scriptures are the word of the Holy Spirit (v7). It is so clear to me that the Bible we read is not merely printed words, but spoken words of God, inspired through the Holy Spirit, lived out by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. And when God speaks, when we read His words, we cannot be a passive listener, we need to response.

The author of Hebrews reminds His readers: Do not harden your hearts (v8). God is speaking to the heart, and we need to response with our heart. I am not too sure how you would understand this, but I am thrilled and fearful at the same time. I know God loves me so much that He speaks to the most crucial part of me, my heart. But at the same time, I realize that my heart is deceitful, and often rebel against the word of God. No wonder the author of Hebrews brings out the exodus events to remind his readers of the waywardness of their forefathers. He points out that they were people who test God (v9) and always go astray in their heart (v10). The consequence is that they do not enter into God’s rest (v11).

The author of Hebrews intentionally put together a string of Scriptures which gives his readers a motif of journey. He concludes that the Israelites did not know God’s ways and will not enter in God’s rest (v10b-11). They are lost. Their hearts are lost in the midst of the wilderness. And today our hearts can be lost in the challenges and demands of our daily living. Where is your heart? What is the condition of your heart? Our hearts matter to God.

As we are in the season of Lent, look to the Cross, that’s our landmark. I know that there are so many things around us will distract us and even cause us to lose our way. Your studies can be like a knowledge maze, and you can be lost in it without even knowing it. Your families can be an entanglement of relationships, and you can be lost in it as you try to disentangle it. Your career and the office politics are complicated highways which will lead you to all the places whereby you do not need to be there and lost your way to you vocation and calling. And even your ministry in church can be some form of spiritual smoke screen which prevents you to see what is ahead and lead you to left and right, but not towards Christ.

Are you lost? Is your heart going astray? Today is a good opportunity to look far ahead and fix your eyes and heart again on the Cross. I remember the importance of fixing your eyes on far away object when you ride a motorbike. I still remember the accident which occurs to be almost one year ago; when I lose control of my bike, instead of look far ahead to regain my balance and control, I look to a tree at the side of the road. And therefore, I landed less than a foot away from that tree.

What is your heart fixed on? Your hearts matter to God. Spirituality is not about what we do or how we do, it is about the matter of our heart – heart’s matter. Can you feel your heart beat? Is the rhythm driving you towards God or somewhere else? Listen to your heart beat today, Heart matter.


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