Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 3: I think I am… (Luke 9:18-20) 27 Feb 09

Our self is all we have, all we are.” The author blankly points out our self-centeredness. It is not wrong to love self, but loving self without loving God is wrong. If our self is all we have, and all we are, then there is no room for others, not even God. And we so-called Christians are not spared from being self-centered, though we may not admit to it.

Many philosophers tried to give meaning to life by giving meaning to self. Psychologists also the self with positive emotions and feelings and thoughts, believing that such feeding of self can improve a person quality of life. But the truth is that whether philosophers or psychologists, the fail to realize that the definition of self is defined by another Self, who is God.
Therefore, Christians understanding of self should be “God is, therefore I am.” Do I know God? Do I know Jesus? Do I know the Jesus who took my Cross? Or do I simply know about God or know about Jesus? Knowing God is equivalent to knowing self (I think this is by J I Packer). I have completed my three years of theological education, I know a great deal about God, but do I really know God? You may know many stories in the Bible about the work of God and Jesus, but do you know Him?

Many Good Fridays and Easter Sundays had past me by, and I have enough knowledge about them. This year, I am determined to walk this journey with Jesus towards Good Friday and rejoice with Him on Easter Sunday. I only have one desire that is to get to know Jesus more along the way letting Him to lead me to my Cross. And such encounter and face-off can be bloody when we reach the Cross, as the author puts it. Are you ready for it?


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