Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 36: Children… (Luke 18:9-17) 01 Apr 09

Warning: The content of this devotion may cause some of us feel uncomfortable and may be even feel guilty or condemn. This is not targeted at anyone. If you feel that I am speaking about you, it’s only purely coincident. And if you feel guilty or angry after reading this, I am sorry. Maybe the Holy Spirit is saying something to you.

As I meditate upon today Scripture, I cannot help but being drawn to the phrase: for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these (referring to the children) (v16). I think God is reminding me of an incident which upset me. The incident took place at special meeting a church held recently because of a special speaker who is supposed to be specially anointed with the Holy Spirit. I have no issue with the speaker, though I think she can do a better job in preaching and teaching; after all that’s not her gifting, her gifting is prophesying and healing. I was upset because I witnessed an unfriendly instruction to some children (really very young children between the ages of 2 to 4) to leave the place of meeting to another place to play, for he was concerned that these little children were disturbing others by their noise.

Of course I have to fair by stating that he was actually ushering them to another level of the meeting place whereby there is facility for children to play, but separated from the main congregation. I am sure that he was not intentional to be seemed unfriendly, but he had placed his concern for the congregation of adults who understand the love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit and theologies over these little children who know nothing more than Jesus loves them. I know it is not you who did that, because you won’t mind children to be among you in a fellowship. I know you understand what it means by the kingdom of God belongs to the little children.

Maybe it is time for us to reflect the way we treat our little children in our church, do we allow them to join us in our main worship service, allow them to worship God together with us in the presence of God? Maybe it is time to allow some crying and laughter of our little children to accompany the almost perfect music and song. Maybe it is time to listen to these little children, for the Holy Spirit may speak to us through them.

I know you may think that I am writing about this because I have little girl too. But I can be fully honest that I write this out of the conviction of the Holy Spirit, just like that special speaker.

I am sorry if I have offended you, for I am but a little child too.


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