Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 37: One or many… (Luke 18:18-27) 02 Apr 09

We have journeyed so far together till this point in this season of Lent, and we have reached a point whereby we are confronted with the choice: one or many? The rich young ruler has many things, in fact the author of the article says that he has many good things; but he lacks one thing. This ‘one thing’ phrase sound familiar? Yes, Jesus says to Martha in chapter 10.

But Jesus does not ask this rich young ruler to sell away that ‘one thing’, but He asks him to sell away everything to give them to the poor. That’s too many to exchange for that ‘one thing’. But this is what exactly Jesus wants from the rich young ruler, Martha, His disciples and us. So, what is the one thing?
I have many things in my life that is not pleasing to God. I have many things that hold me back from loving God and serving Him wholeheartedly. But God is not bothered by all these other things; He is only concerned about the ‘one thing’. So what is the ‘one thing’?

It is not my addiction to writing devotional blogs, it is also not your career, neither is it your family and other hobbies. It is to have faith in Christ. It is to accept the grace of God. It is to yield yourself to the Holy Spirit. Though it seems that there are three things, but they are all actually the same ‘one thing’. I don’t know how phrase it better. It is not about us following Christ as His disciple, it is also not about us serving Him like a servant, it is definitely not seeking after the miracles and healing by the Holy Spirit. It is about God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I am not too sure if I am clear about this, it is not about what we can give to God. It is about my obedience to God and gives whatever God asks. Many people give a lot to building funds and other ministry related funds, because they are being blessed by God with a big fat bonus. But seldom people will give in their poverty because they are obeying what God wants from them. It is easy to give what is not yours and what you have excess, but it is not easy to give when you don’t have, and God wants it. You need faith, you need grace and you need a miracle. This is the one thing.

Are you giving God that ‘one thing’, before it become too many to handle?


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