Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 22: Martha, Martha… (Luke 10:38-42) 18 Mar 09

Jesus called Martha twice. There is endearment. Jesus wants Martha’s attention. Today, Jesus is calling your name twice too. He wants your attention. Are you giving Him your attention? Are you willing to put aside what you are doing and just listen to Him?

I am supposed to write my sermon for this Sunday, Chinese Ministry. But when I read this, I stop. I pack and go. I come home and wait for Jesus to speak to me. I don’t know what is He trying to say, but I am sure it is never wrong to listen to God. It is never a waste of time to wait upon the Lord.

Sometime, I feel that I am too busy with doing things, but forgotten to slow down and even pause to reflect if what I am doing is what God wants me to do. I can be busy writing devotions, but is it what God wants me to do? Are there any people out there reading? I can be busy organizing Adult Bible Fellowship groups, but is it what God wants me to do? Do our people really need this kind of fellowship? I can be busy running the Boys’ and Girls’ Brigades matter, but is it what God wants me to do? How many of these children actually benefitted through our programs?

Sometime, all these ministries, activities and programs can drive me weary and dry. I know these are good things to be done. I know my blog has encouraged some, I know there are people who want to have fellowship, and I know that there are children being blessed. But I also need to be at where Mary is, at the feet of Jesus.

Between Martha and Mary is not an either or, it is both. I need to be like Martha, serve with joy and out of my giftedness. But when Jesus calls me with endearment, I need to response and be there to listen. I also need to be like Mary, drawing close to Jesus and simply be in His presence. But when Jesus calls me to give a cup of cold water to the thirsty, I need to response and go out to the thirsty with a cup of cold water.

Today, Jesus is calling you and I again. He is calling your name twice. Listen to Him. Wait as He speaks.


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