Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 28: Prodigal… (Luke 15:11-19) 24 Mar 09

My daughter is disturbing me when I am writing this. She comes into my messy study room and trying to get my attention. I think she is not trying to get my attention; it is me being drawn to look at what she is doing in my room. I am afraid that she might pull a book off a table stack with books, unpack, and fall on her. I am concerned for her safety. I am also afraid that she might trip over some books or other stuff and fall to the ground (and she did). I have to pick her up and get her to go to her mother.

She is not a prodigal, yet I look out for her; because she is my precious child. I was a prodigal, and yet God looks out for me; because I am His precious child too. Now I understand the heart of the Father, a little bit. Now I know how much God loves me and concerns for me.

You and I was a prodigal before, far away from God, roaming around, squandering everything. But by the grace of God, and the work of the Holy Spirit, we have made our way back to the Father. Jesus was never a prodigal, but yet He had to make His way back to the Father, through the Cross.

Today, we can go straight back to the Father is because of what Jesus has done on the Cross. He has led the way, all we have to do is the follow Him. Prodigal makes his way to far away and comes back to the Father following the sign of the Cross. Which journey are you on?

Look to the Cross, and go back to the Father; for this is the right way to go.



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